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Where to live when working in Schaffhausen and Zurich?

Postado em Suiça forum

My husband and I are going to relocate (with two kids 2 and 3 year old) to Switzerland.
I will work in Schaffhausen and my husband in Zurich

Any recommendation on where would the most convenient place to live given this situation?

Also, do you pay taxes in the place where you live or where you work?

Thanks for your help

  • Va para perfil de fina sans

    Postado por  em Suiça forum 

    Hola!, me llamo Fina, soy española, mira yo trabajo en Zurich cuidando niños, mi marido en Berna y vivimos en Olten, te lo digo porque podeis buscar un punto intermedio. Saludos Fina y si me necesitas para algo puedes escribirme.

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