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Schools in Spain

Veröffentlicht in Spanien Forum

Hello everybody,

could somebody help me with the info about Spanish schools system? I would like to move to Spain for a job, but I have a son who is 7 y/o and I don't know where to bring him, to what kind of schools and so on. Is there some possibility to be calm that everything could be ok with the school? We are from Lithuania. Thank You

  • Oliver Küng

    Aufgegeben von  in Spanien Forum  

    Hi Rita,

    Here you find some more info about the Spanish school system: https://www.justlanded.com/english/Spain/Education

    Depending on where you move in Spain there is a variety of schools available from public to private schools. I suggest to specifically ask about the region where you move to so Expats living there can help better.



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