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how should i charge my new laptop battery?

Pubblicato in Stati Uniti forum

Anyone has the same question here? how should i charge my new laptop battery.

I got a new laptop battery within a week from . I am frustrated and wonder how long i should initially charge it to maximize its life. I read the battery detail info on the website and noted that i should should charge it to capacity, then run like a CD or something constant until it is out of juice and then charge it for just 6-8 hours at the first time use. But some other thoughts online have advised me not to do like that and it will kill my battery at the end.

What will be the true process on how to charge it indeed? Any help will be appreciated!


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    Carey is right! I support him.


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    Carey is right! I support him.

  • Basil Carey

    pubblicato da  in Stati Uniti forum  

    After purchasing a new laptop computer or battery for your laptop we recommend that the battery be charged for no less than 24-hours. This helps verify the battery is fully charged and will help with the batteries life expectancy. After being fully charged we also suggest letting the battery fully discharge and then fully charging it again. Doing this multiple times may extend the battery life even further.

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