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If you are Black, born in Portugal=no graduated Jobs

โพสต์ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส

This is to continue to talk about racism in Portugal.

1- I've Studied in a couple of countries including Portugal. Many of my Graduated black colleagues in Portugal, born and raised in Portugal, never have been to Africa where suggested to go "back" to work in Africa;

2- In Portugal, the high amount of black Professionals are to be found in health business because THERE they are needed, since the white Portuguese venture themselves in less intelectually depending business. For the rest of the fields, no blacks to be found in high educational level;

3- Black people in Portugal are to be cleaners, constructors and all "lower" related jobs. You are in a way, forbidden to achieve higher goals since once you've done it, you are no longer welcome in the country. This clearly refects the idea that black people are meant to be low;

4- Yes, Portugal is a Classical country...but look what you've become?

5- While the other imperialists have already apologised for colonialism, Portugal doesn't understand why they did it, simply because Portuguese think they did good in Africa;

6- Before Independence, only the numbers of one hand of Africans were graduated. Today, billions are graduated, schools and universities are numerous in Africa and the list goes on with the improvements that were done. Moreover, today, you find a lot of people like me who DECIDED to venture themselves with their own money to study and work in the world. Me being independent to do that is not well known among the Portuguese since they think that I need their approvement to grow further than what they had "planned" for me.

7- Because of my accent, on the phone, I was told I would do good with my International Masters Degree. But once I asked to meet in person with that such important figure, he asked me if I wasn't thinking of going back to Africa. Another episode was when I approached my Professor to ask him to intervene in my favor as to find a suitable job according to my International Masters. I know that my normal Portuguese colleagues aren't as good as I am in languages, aren't as travelled as I am, don't posess a Masters, can't communicate Internationally as me, and having been a good student myself, having this Professor backing me up, I thought my future was going to be soon. It's been almost 6 months, my Professor is silent. I did send him two mails, to which he answered to one. Last week I sent him another one. DEAR FELLOW PORTUGUESE PEOPLE, do you think he will find me something special since he is a very internationally well known figure?

8- It's very common to companies reply as follows: "we are only employing Africans who want to work for us in Africa".

Now, dear world, how do you put this? I know Portuguese are running to Africa to do as good as I want to do in Portugal.

  • Joao borges

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส 

    I would like to think that the world was perfect however I know it's not. The world has seen many great leaders of every race we can all benefit by continuing there legacy. Project your self image for the greater good if something is broken fix it. If there is a change to be made be corsages and be the change that fix's it. Here in America the Portuguese are some of the hardest workers contributing great feats in every field from the bottom up weather there cleaning floors in hospital or passing laws in congress. They (we) transform city, towns, and states and yes (we) they do this while being discriminated against.

  • jack garcia

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส 

    .....and here's the point, viewers.

    Anyone who has ever lived in Portugal knows that it is extremely difficult for even a graduated 'white' Portuguese person to find work in their chosen pursuit. Angelino would have us believe that there is a super-abundance of jobs for graduates. There most definitely is not! Portuguese people avail themselves of their great versatility to survive. Graduated Portuguese - whether black, white or covered in milk, chocolate, marshmallows or with a strawberry and jelly topping on their caps - will take any job to survive the increasing daily hardships that sucessive, bungling Portuguese governments have heaped upon them. The Portuguese people have to endure a government whose political skills resemble those of 'Alvin and the Chipmunks' spread-eagled on a bathroom floor after spending hours on their crack pipes!

    So, IF you are black (And not just pretending to be so), born in Portugal and even if you're not a graduate: expect to be given the runaround like anyone else who lives on this fair land. It is numbskullery that govern the country which should be removed and replaced by persons whose genetic structure is not two chromosones away from a gibbon!

  • jack garcia

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส 

    An excellent appraisal.

  • jack garcia

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส 

    You claim to live in England - nonsense!

  • jack garcia

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส 

    So, before we step up to the podium bearing our eked-out political white commentaries professing some 'insightful' commentary on the black man's social conditions, let us look carefully at our own colour and remember: we are white.

  • jack garcia

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส 

    Now: there's been a lot of unecessary blabbering and lampooning of Portugal, recently - all uneccessary and all spawned by emotive reasoning. Billy Angelino tries desperately to court favour from anyone who is immersed in naïvete presenting as her 'tour de force' racism- when, in actual fact, she\ he is referring to colour prejudice, not racism. The lurid and, almost obscene, rant against Portugal is without foundation. The obseqious claim that 'Billy' lives in England warrants further doubt- as does the claim that she is black. 'Go back to Africa'? A woeful lament! A Portuguese birthright warrants: 'Go back to Portugal'! The truth is, no matter how many people step up to the podium courting literary fervour from the centuries' plight of the black man, what is evident is this: You are not black- any more than I am! Malcom X's response to 'white' intervention was clear and I paraphrase: 'You are white and no nothing of a black man's problem'! So while all our pathetic white comments sound find- even though they be convoluted- are whinging and whining about the black man's plight is merely viewed from the perspective of a white man. Angelino's arguments are emotive- verging on the paranoia which courts withdrawal symptoms from cocaine, or some other such narcotic (Or, at least, an ongong addiction to rocket fuel or the smoke from burning rabbits). A sucessive barrage of so-called political commentary ensues without the slightest notion of sociological accelerators; dire attempts to convince a readership of intellectual preconceptions.

    The black man has suffered directly as a result of white supremacy and while we stand on our soap-boxes, fervently protesting the outrages against the black man, we do nothing more than show one thing: we are white!

    A black man's problems can only be understood by a black man- not some lily-livered white person swanning around in their seat ibizas or some maudling reprobate intent on bringing disrepute to the Portuguese people. These are futile arguments.

    Their is an ongoing theme that anyone who befriends a 'white' person does so with artificial intent. This is a trite, condescending non- sense. While Angelino spouts such venom, one thing is evident: Angelino is most certainly not a member of the human race and seems to despise all those who are.

    Angelino's comments criticise the French, the English and the Spanish. Yet, Angelino resides- according to the profile statement- in England and mentions little of the English prejudice towards those whose skin is not white- or, more accurately, pink. Were Angelino to REALLLY reside in England, then, Angelino would be fully aware of the attitudes of colour prejudice. Angelino, however, does not.

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ Belinda Angelino

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส 

    Yes, it does involve the whole society.

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ Belinda Angelino

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส 

    Oh Seara, you certainly believe that the Brits go to Portugal and say: "No blacks here...only if they want to clean or guard"?

    Do you even get to know the big boss?

    Enrich that argument, please...NOT.

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ Belinda Angelino

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส 

    Jack or Jacinto Garcia, you've done some fishing today?

  • ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ Belinda Angelino

    โพสต์โดย  ใน ห้องสนทนา โปรตุเกส 

    Are private companies Government? Those are the minds who most deny jobs to high qualified black people.

    And the media? Who its job is to do as the Gov says? The Gov. lets everyone in and then bash them through the media to create tension among citizens.
    We all born free from any prejudices but the society dictates how we should conceive things. The manipulation starts very early. You won't notice it because it takes time to make your mind. Many people in big cities still think that at least we are able to clean...otherwise we wouldn't be of any use!.Of course, letting us clean their floor is really of a good heart.
    When you evolve and start wanting better things, you become invisible to everyone. But they are still good people, because they don't hurt you.
    Talking about this in the media? Why? You have a job, don't you? At least you are cleaning, so shut up.

    Better not complaining, we have no time to listen to you, we have some steps to count.
