• Pratibha Sharma اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    David Wilfred digitaltechhacker @gmail.com> is a Spammer

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  Pratibha Sharma في منتدى أمستردام 

    David Wilfred is a SPAMMER. You will lose all of your hard earned money, beware and do not fall in his traps! He spammed with my money that he will do, he was emailing every few minutes till the time payment was made, once it was done - he faded...., I have all the proofs to show you that I really mean what I write. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!! by contacting David Wilfred . I can be contacted if you need some proof at pbsharma1807 @gmail.com

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