Miles Miles

میرے بارے میں

Miles Miles
 Miles Miles
میرے بارے میں:
I am a simple person, with simple interests - but one who cherish true friendship. I am most happy when I am with my family and friends. I enjoy the outdooors although I am not a sporting type. I like to have friends from other places, to be able to know and understand different cultures or racial differences. I work in the govenment as an statistician and I am happy with what I am now. I have ten kids, some are grown ups while two are still in school. One is in high school and one is taking up Nursing. My husband is also in the government. Last year he survived a congestive heart failure and he is now recuperating, thanks to God. I am not religiously fanatical but I believe in God as a Catholic and to the best of my understanding do whatever is required of me by my church.
میں رہنا:
آپ ڈھونڈ رھے ہیں:
Philippines, United Kingdom


Animals/Pets, Art, Dining out, Gardening, Movies/Videos, Music, Shopping, Walking/Hiking, I love to cross stitch, a little crochet and other needleworks.
پسندیدہ موسیقی:
RnB, rock, ballads, alternative, country, folk and all sorts of music genre except hard metal because I hate them
پسندیدہ فلمیں:
No title in particular but I love movie watching except anime.
پسندیدہ کتابیں:
I am not a bookworm but I love to read like Reader's Digest
جو چیزیں مجہے پسند ھیں:
Food, chocolate, singing, going out with friends
جو چیزیں مجہے نا پسند ھیں:
To commit mistake and I hate boring people
تعلقات کا درجہ:
شادی شدہ
16 BLISS II, Nulatula
Tacloban City

پیشے سے متعلق

City Planning and Development Office, City Hall
Government Employee
کام کا شعبہ:
(63) (53) 321-5865
City Planning and Dev. Office, City Hall
Tacloban City

وال/ دیوار

  • Miles Miles
     Miles Miles

    Hi, you'll find a good friend in me.